Sunday, August 31, 2008

I feel like it!!

Start Time: 10.01 pm

2. Name:Idayu Khairin Mohamed Yunan

3. Nickname: Ayu

4. If u were a skittle what color would you be?: Blue--because i like the flavour!

6. Zodiac: Taurus

7. Hair color: Chestnut base with blonde highlights to be exact!

8. Eye color: Dark Brown

9. Height: 158cm (I think)

10. Favorite Color: Pink, Purple and white.

11. glasses?: Sunglasses..:p

12. Braces?: nope~

13. Piercing/tattoos?: Piercing YES!!--tattoos NO!!--birthmarks U-HUH!!

******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Cut your own hair?: YUP

18. Did you do something in the past month that you regret?: yups--very much!!

20. Kissed someone who isn't ur g/f or b/f?:its for me to know and you to not find out!!

21. Skipped school?: Hell yes!!

22. Bungee jumped?:?? OHH NO, no, NOOOO...

23. Had sex outside?: ASTAGFIRULLAHALAZIM

24. Dumped someone?: yupps...I feel BAD!!--still do..:(

25. Been arrested?: Never!!so does that mean Im good??

26. TP'd someone's horse?: haha--now why would I wanna do that??!!

30. Been rejected?: Once...and not a good feeling!!ouch~

31. Been to a funeral?: uhuh--my aunt..bless her soul!

32. Used a lighter?: yupps...for birthdays!!

33. Been on stage?: Ive done my fair share of "entertaining" people--not telling!

34. Seasons: I've always like spring!

35. Food: Burgers, Fries, HOTDOGS!!--yum, yum..

36. Ice cream flavor: Chocolate Chip Mint

38. Person: I dunno

41. Book(s): Cecilia Athens novels are always good to read!

42. Movie(s): I lurve movies!!

43. Song: Im yours--:)

44. Park: Pushman Park, Canada!!--good memories there!

45. State: Selangorian!!--represent!

47. Sport to watch: Hockey lar..

49. Bands/musicians: I dunno...byk la...malas nak type!

50. Letter(s): kenape dgn letters??--tak paham!!

51. Restaurants(s): Mc D-O-N-A-L-D-S...masa riang, masa hebat, di McDonalds!

52. Cartoon Character(s): Eyor...

53. TV Station(s) : ASTRO, E!, MTV, V!!

54. Name for a son: Haven't gone that far yet...I'll get back to ya!

55. Name for a daughter: same..

******DO YOU PREFER******

56. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate

58. Long relationships or one night stands?: LONG LA..

59. Dogs or cats?: I have 3 CATS..

60. Scary movies or comedies?: COMEDIES

61. Short hair or long: LOng..

62. Croutons or bacon bits?: I dont eat PORK!

63. Kissing or hugging: DEPENDS ON SITUATION


64. Mexicans: Sembrero..ahaks!

65. School: Teknik

66. Grasswhite: APO NI...

68. Canada: Ottawa

69. Mouse: Disease..

70. Hands: Writting

******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******

71. Watched a movie?: Tak plak....

72. Talked on the phone?: ofcourse!!

73. Cried?: wut for??!!

74. Threw up?: Tak...Im not bulemic!!--is dat how u spell it??

75. Drank a glass of water?: Ha'ah...byk kali!!

76. Done Drugs: Drugs??Medicine u mean??--NOPE...I feel fine!

77. Read a book or magazine?: newspaper to be exact!

78. Watched TV?: Ha'ah..

79. Looked in the mirror?: vain--:p

80. Taken a shower? : DUH!! that relevant??!!

81. Taken a picture?: HEHE--YUPS!

82. Listened to music?: alwayz..

85. Told someone you liked them?: TAkde..

Time: 10.30 pm